There are numerous
benefits associated with correct breathing. The breath is what we life on, it
is the very stuff of our lives, and there are many different benefits that can
be gained by learning how to properly breathe. Some of these benefits are:
1. Breathing properly can cleanse our bloodstream,
2. Breathing properly can allow our energy levels to increase
3. Breathing properly can carry valuable vitamins and nutrients to
all of the vital tissues in our bodies,
4. Breathing properly can energize our organs as well as our
muscles and other vital tissues in the body,
5. Breathing properly can help us to exercise in a more efficient
way, which benefits our entire body and overall health,
6. Breathing properly can help aid in the smooth movements of our
7. Breathing properly can help us to think more clearly and
remember things more clearly,
8. Breathing properly can enhance our muscle control.
Rhythmic Breathing
When you inhale, you
are bringing oxygen into your lungs. The act of breathing is also responsible
for circulating blood all around the body. When you exhale, then, you expel out
stale air as well as carbon dioxide and other gases. If you hold your breath
while you are exerting physical effort in any way, then the carbon dioxide
remains in your lungs and it accumulates in the body in such a way that it
allows the muscles and other vital tissues in the body to become weakened.
Holding the breath is also capable of negatively increasing the blood pressure,
which can make you feel tense and also can waste your energy in bad ways. For
this reason, it is vitally important that your breathing be rhythmic and
continuous, especially during exercise.
Shallow Breathing
Many people are not breathing deeply enough, but rather are only
breathing into their upper chest and they are not getting enough oxygen into
the depths of their lungs. It is vitally important that you learn how to
breathe deeply in order for you to fill your lungs, ensuring that your body is
getting enough oxygen that your body can be energized and purified
properly. Pilates and other exercises like yoga can help us with this, by
teaching us how to breathe more deeply and more fully with every breath.